Forums - Ryu is top tier!!! (MvC2) Show all 46 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Ryu is top tier!!! (MvC2) ( Posted by Steve Shneider on 06:19:2001 10:56 PM: Ryu is top tier!!! (MvC2) I didn't think so either at first, but after playing an excellent Ryu player, I thought otherwise! I was playing my usual team of Spiral/Cable/Sentinal. Someone challenged me with Felicia/Ryu/Akuma. It seemed like an easy win! However, this fellow showed me just how lethal Ryu can be! I managed to beat his Felicia. Unfortunately for me, Ryu came in with three levels! He then nailed me with the Shin-Shoryuken!!!!! I was like oh shit!! He killed my Spiral down right! He then proceed to tear Cable and Sentinel up!!! This lead me to the conclusion that Ryu is top-tier!!!! He is much better then Cable since he can handle himself without meter! I do think Cable is effective, but he can't do much without 3-5 levels, and still gets raped by characters like Magneto, Storm, and Dhalsim! So I changed my team to Spiral/Ryu/Sentinel! I am taking this team to B5! If there was ever a great dark horse character, Ryu is it! Posted by Supergeek on 06:19:2001 11:06 PM: Ryu isn't top tier, having Shin Shoryken doesn't make him the best character in the game, that's like saying Akuma's top tier because he has Raging Demon. Ryu's not practical, he has everything a character should have, but he still gets pretty messed up by rushdown and keepaway superior to his (Cable, Cyclops, Spiral, Sentinel) Posted by kajin on 06:19:2001 11:07 PM: ryu is good but he is not the best, what if some one beat ypou with dan, would you say the same thing. Ryu is good(anyone is good)but not the best Posted by n817azn on 06:19:2001 11:40 PM: Ryu is average at best and if you got beat by that team with the team you're using then i dun know what to say but if your plannin to go to b5 you better beef up yo' skills a little, cuz that shit won't fly there. n8 Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:19:2001 11:46 PM: Yeah... What he said. Posted by KimMaster on 06:19:2001 11:47 PM: Well...Ryu CAN kill a whole team with a shinshoryuken...I did it once to a Cable/BBHood/Iron Man team...all of them had like less than half like left,that dude did a team super. I jumped behind all of them, and did the ShinShoryuken, killed him, and he just slammed his quarter on the machine. Posted by Sentinel_Nuts on 06:20:2001 12:23 AM: This is a joke, right? Posted by GeoG2 on 06:20:2001 02:02 AM: Cable can handle himself without meter....and what do you mean he can't do much without 3-5 levels? Are you trying to say Cable is nothing without the AHVB? In any case, Cable ownz Ryu for these few and basic facts alone: Projectile Fights: Cable's VB goes through Ryu's fireball and hits him. From fullscreen, you can even fire 2 gun shots at them AFTER he throws a fireball, and THEN perform a FP VB to cancel out the fireball and include more hits. AA Moves: Ryu's Dragon Punch vs Cable's Scimitar. Cable's has a faster startup and does more damage...not to mention better priority and precision. Setups: I've landed a Elec-Grenade on Ryu players who attempted Hurricane well as after a missed DP. Ryu doesn't even have this type of ability. Beam HC's: The HVB is fast enough to catch Ryu AFTER he finishes the Shinkuu Hadoken. Ryu is far from top were probably just unlucky that day. With Spiral/Sentinel/Ryu...I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up relying on Sentinel alone to take people out at B5. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:20:2001 03:06 AM: Umm Ryu is not even close to TOP TIER....thats it Posted by Spider_Sting on 06:20:2001 04:07 AM: ryu... isn't top tier. sorry man Posted by TS on 06:20:2001 04:17 AM: Ryu is the best character in MvC2...obviously. I mean duh. Anyway, I think the original poster was joking, or else he would have actually given details about how Ryu/Akuma went about beating Spiral/Cable/Sentinel. quote: Originall posted by KimMaster Well...Ryu CAN kill a whole team with a shinshoryuken...I did it once to a Cable/BBHood/Iron Man team...all of them had like less than half like left,that dude did a team super. I jumped behind all of them, and did the ShinShoryuken, killed him, and he just slammed his quarter on the machine. Man. I wish I had that on tape. Posted by Iceman on 06:20:2001 05:18 AM: He's either joking for just full of crap, cause he has yet to respond. Posted by JChristopher on 06:20:2001 05:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek Ryu isn't top tier, having Shin Shoryken doesn't make him the best character in the game, that's like saying Akuma's top tier because he has Raging Demon. Shin Sho has its uses. Raging Demon is just plain shit. Can't even DHC into it and it won't deal damage at all if DHCed out of. Posted by Ezrick on 06:20:2001 05:35 AM: Hes just a new member, probably not responding cuz he just wanted to post something up. Posted by ID on 06:20:2001 08:10 AM: you know..Just cause YOU get beat by a low tier char DOES not make the character top tier..just makes you a scrub. Posted by Mung714 on 06:20:2001 08:14 AM: why didn't capcom just test play this damn game more, i love it but its WAY unbalanced....poor ryu Posted by eXtaCy on 06:20:2001 11:35 AM: blehh.. ryu is definately not top tier.. he is the biggest turtle in the world.. by turtle.. i mean speed wise... shit.. u keep hyping up his shin-shoryuken... for 3 levels.. i think i'd rather cain my opponent with some ahvb's... if i miss one.. eh.. its all goood.. cant get punished... miss my shin-shoryuken.. there goes 3 levels.. and not to mention the big ass caining ur gonna get with sentinel just w8ing for ur slow ass to land... Posted by elffzero on 06:20:2001 12:48 PM: hehe... ryu isn't top tier, you got owned. but you just learned an important tier vs. skill. for instance i can beat the crap out of my buddy's doom/cable/storm team w/ my ken/son-son/geif team. most of the time doesn't mean he sucks though.. (he doesn't) just i've been playing with those characters for awhile and i've taken that team farther than anyone in their right minds should have. lets look at it this way. your MVC2 power level = skill + your team + luck -distractions. hmmm.. so lets see.. add 4, carry the 3... BH is 4o pts.. hmm.. negative 32??!! hmm... i gotta fix that formula.. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:20:2001 01:25 PM: lol. Yep, it takes skill to do anything really good in MvC2 with Ryu, especially if you want to take down the top tier. Elffzero I like your formula. Posted by Steve Shneider on 06:20:2001 03:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by eXtaCy blehh.. ryu is definately not top tier.. he is the biggest turtle in the world.. by turtle.. i mean speed wise... shit.. u keep hyping up his shin-shoryuken... for 3 levels.. i think i'd rather cain my opponent with some ahvb's... if i miss one.. eh.. its all goood.. cant get punished... miss my shin-shoryuken.. there goes 3 levels.. and not to mention the big ass caining ur gonna get with sentinel just w8ing for ur slow ass to land... So what? Sentinel is even slower, but he still has great tactics that make him one of the best! I don't just drop Ryu in with only three levels! I build meter up to five levels using the Spiral/Sentinel trap! Best yet, I don't have to burn a meter using variable counter, since I can just tag in Ryu while putting the opponent in block stun with Spirals swords! I don't just rely on the Shin-Shoryuken either. A combo of Ryu's (j.wk, j.rh, s.wk, s.fp XX hurricane kick xx shinku-hadoken) takes off at least 50 points of damage! When I do find an opening though, I rail their ass with Shin-Shoryuken!! If I miss using 5 levels, then I can just tag Spiral back in, and build meter once again with the Spiral/Sentinel trap! I'll admit, Ryu may have trouble alone, but with Spiral and Sentinel on his side, he can be very lethal!! And if he dies, my opponent has to deal with Spiral and Sentinel! You can see why this is B5 material!! Posted by WMoose on 06:20:2001 03:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by Steve Shneider Best yet, I don't have to burn a meter using variable counter, since I can just tag in Ryu while putting the opponent in block stun with Spirals swords! You don't have to use a variable counter with Cable either. But its better to DHC or counter into either one, just putting them in blockstun leaves you hella open still. quote: I don't just rely on the Shin-Shoryuken either. A combo of Ryu's (j.wk, j.rh, s.wk, s.fp XX hurricane kick xx shinku-hadoken) takes off at least 50 points of damage! When I do find an opening though, I rail their ass with Shin-Shoryuken!! Well a combo of Cables, s.short, s.roundhouse xx ahvbx3 does full life..... The problem with nailing them with shin sho is Ryu cant get in to get an opening. Cable has no trouble at all finding openings. quote: If I miss using 5 levels, then I can just tag Spiral back in, and build meter once again with the Spiral/Sentinel trap! I'll admit, Ryu may have trouble alone, but with Spiral and Sentinel on his side, he can be very lethal!! And if he dies, my opponent has to deal with Spiral and Sentinel! You can see why this is B5 material!! Umm now you see why Cable is hella better? Posted by Shinkuu Shoto on 06:20:2001 03:41 PM: The shoto, especially Ryu, are pretty good. But they get their ass kick when it comes to air games. Their hurrcaine kick air combo glitch works like a charm. Ryu doesn't have anything abusable, but he can chain up almost everything into a hyper. Like Magneto, every moves he does can turn into a huge combo. The shinkuu Haduoken comes second behind Hyper Viper Beam and it can easily punish any assist out. Time it correctly after a hurrcaine kick and with mashing, it goes up to 35+ hits. Jump in lp, hp, ground lk lk hurrcaine kick shinkuu haduoken (direct hit, need to give it a pause) can always go from 35 to 40+ hit and over 80 plus damage. It's hard for the shotos to launch their opponent up, but end it with a hadouken (this will push them away and allow shinkuu kadouken to do full damage) xx shinkuu hadouken(some ppl think it works only in the corner but it works anywhere) can do an extra 30+ damage. He also have an very hard hurrcaine kick glitch that can also links up with a shinkuu hadouken. No one tried yet but the hurrcaine kick glitch might able to be a corner infinite. OTGing off from his sweep into Shinnkuu Takumashu. I have to say he's no top tier because he's very hard to use due to all the timing and he needs to be a confuser to win. I'm new here but that doesn't mean I suck, I mostly use Magnus, Cable, and Cyclops, but when I put Ryu over Magneto sometime he does as much damage but just takes more time and most player let the guard down while Ryu's out. Posted by LynX on 06:20:2001 03:49 PM: Hmm Cable is one (if not THE) of the best characters in the game. He's very useful in any situation, even without Super meter ... AHVB is extremly easy to hit with, wich I can't say for ShinShoryuken ... No, Ryu isn't that good alone as Cable is ... Team-Shoto will still beat Akumamigo:s ass in Älta3 (unofficial Swedish championships in MvC2, 3rd strike, Alpha3 and maybe SSF2 ..) I belive though Well .. Ryu isn't for B5, use Cable instead. GL @ B5 Posted by Steve Shneider on 06:20:2001 04:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by WMoose Well a combo of Cables, s.short, s.roundhouse xx ahvbx3 does full life..... The problem with nailing them with shin sho is Ryu cant get in to get an opening. Cable has no trouble at all finding openings. Oh shit!!! That's even better then Shin-shoryuken!.. Way better!!!!! Wow! I didn't think Cable had such an advantage over Ryu, but he sure does! I just saw GeoG2's thread, and realized the mistake I made! Well alright!.. Spiral/Cable/Sentinel for B5 it is! Posted by Akumamigo on 06:20:2001 04:24 PM: Good luck "... Team-Shoto will still beat Akumamigo:s ass in Älta3" Just try. I will let the results speak for themselves. Du får gärna trashtalka, det låter jag dig göra. Men jag tänker inte svara och hålla på att skryta. Visa dina skills i action istället, så får man se vad du går för. "unofficial Swedish championships in MvC2, 3rd strike, Alpha3 and maybe SSF2" SSF2X - Super Turbo Posted by batsu13 on 06:20:2001 05:12 PM: Dude if you think that Ryu is top tier then you prolly don't have that much of a good Sentinal. The Shin SRK I understand, but that's it. There is no way that Ryu will touch a (good) Sentinel... Posted by Shinkuu Shoto on 06:20:2001 05:32 PM: i think it would be harder to land that lk lk hk hyper viper then Ryu's jump in, since cable's main game is keep away and his close up are quite bad. Posted by CHEAPSHIET on 06:20:2001 05:52 PM: If Ryu is top tier then Ken must be zero tier! AAA invincible assist on the way up! His Kicks are strong-, c. hp , sj lp, rh hurricane kick! two of those and your basically dead! Posted by TS on 06:20:2001 06:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by Shinkuu Shoto i think it would be harder to land that lk lk hk hyper viper then Ryu's jump in, since cable's main game is keep away and his close up are quite bad. Cable's jump Roundhouse has more priority than almost any other normal attack in the game. Off of the top of my head, the only attacks with a similar amount would be Storm's standing Roundhouse, and standing/jumping Fierce. Posted by LynX on 06:20:2001 07:15 PM: haha du ska höra FS:s trashtalk ! du har inte hört NÅNTING mot det asså ... vänta bara tills han eventuellt tar mig med XXX mot Q (I 3rd strike) ... då kommer den som på beställning: "Q är inte för alla" ... hahahaha ! Nedu ... Bäst på trashtalk är fs, NO shit Lycka till dock i Älta3 ... MVH LynX aka Soder Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:20:2001 07:39 PM: Ryu does have a fun and deadly little combo., c.fp, superjump, sj.lp, pause, sj.sp, sj.rh hurricane kick, after a few hits do hcfPP. Really powerful, although timing is very difficult. Posted by Iceman on 06:20:2001 08:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by TS Cable's jump Roundhouse has more priority than almost any other normal attack in the game. Off of the top of my head, the only attacks with a similar amount would be Storm's standing Roundhouse, and standing/jumping Fierce. Don't forget Blackheart's jabs and tail. Posted by Akumamigo on 06:20:2001 11:34 PM: Vad är XXX för någon? Jag har ett par gubbar jag kan använda...alla är shotos, men det finns en till jag kommer använda som förö jag har råd med det Posted by LynX on 06:21:2001 10:02 AM: :) XXX kan vara vem som helst ... Bara han slår mej Jag spelar som fs numera, inte bara Shoto ... Hugo är ruskigt bra om man kan honom ... Q är oxå bra om man kan parry:a alla eldbollar som kommer vinande genom luften när man är honom Jag tror inte du kommer att ha råd att förödmjuka nån i Älta3, men hoppas kan man ju alltid Har'e fint LynX Posted by Akumamigo on 06:21:2001 01:42 PM: whatever Du vet att det är ett gruppspel först då alla möter alla. De fyra bästa går vidare, så visst fan kommer jag ha råd att förödmjuka någon Ska bara se till att jag inte möter fs i semfinalen i TS. Jag hoppas på att gå vidare till semifinalerna i MVC2, det finns en chans nu när koprona inte hänger på... Posted by korona on 06:21:2001 03:35 PM: Hey guys, respect some fucking authorita and cut the swedish, ok? And as for me not coming to Älta3, that sucks so much! Why not in the weekend!? Decent people have jobs Posted by Akumamigo on 06:21:2001 04:52 PM: How many games did you won last time Korona? Respect to the forum it´s given...sometime=) Well you rocks on MvC2, that´s true.. Why not on a weekend? Cause I´m arrange it! That date fit good to many people. it ins´t my fault that you can´t take a day off=) Posted by korona on 06:21:2001 07:06 PM: I am SO much better in 3s now, and I'd probably kick your ass most of the time ... Posted by Akumamigo on 06:21:2001 07:28 PM: I don´t trashtalk anymore. You shouldn´t do so to-cause your ass was whiped so hard last time. Posted by Tuff Daddy on 06:21:2001 07:29 PM: On a completely unrelated note.... Want something to fight for? click the link in my sig. Show your support *runs out of thread* Posted by Dark-Angel on 06:21:2001 08:51 PM: Ryu sucks he just is too old for a game like these he should be banned from this games and other thing ken is better than ryu forever! -Dark-Angel-Master Trickster Posted by GeoG2 on 06:21:2001 10:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by Steve Shneider Oh shit!!! That's even better then Shin-shoryuken!.. Way better!!!!! Wow! I didn't think Cable had such an advantage over Ryu, but he sure does! I just saw GeoG2's thread, and realized the mistake I made! Well alright!.. Spiral/Cable/Sentinel for B5 it is! Sentinels Strength is a plus. (Sent. Force assist sets up AHVB decently, too) Cable's keepaway and setups are a plus. (Sent. Force assist and Gunshots make a pretty good keepaway game) What can Spiral offer this team? Her HC's don't exactly cancel good with those of Cable and Sent. You don't need her Throwing Swords keepaway when you have Cable's gun. Geo recommends you replace Spiral with Doom and master the Doom Molecular Shield assist/Cable Elec-Grenade trap. Posted by [MB2K]Venkman on 06:25:2001 01:30 AM: dude, if you use Ryu at B5 your gonna get rocked. Posted by WMoose on 06:25:2001 01:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sentinels Strength is a plus. (Sent. Force assist sets up AHVB decently, too) Cable's keepaway and setups are a plus. (Sent. Force assist and Gunshots make a pretty good keepaway game) What can Spiral offer this team? Her HC's don't exactly cancel good with those of Cable and Sent. You don't need her Throwing Swords keepaway when you have Cable's gun. Geo recommends you replace Spiral with Doom and master the Doom Molecular Shield assist/Cable Elec-Grenade trap. Spiral is way more solid with this team over Doom. Spiral adds a well chipping assist, and hella meter building and chip damage on point, Doom can chip and build metter too, though not nearly as well as Spiral. Posted by VanDread_431 on 06:27:2001 06:40 AM: RYU IS A TOP TIER RIGHT???????????????????????? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Posted by Steve Shneider on 06:28:2001 08:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by [MB2K]Venkman dude, if you use Ryu at B5 your gonna get rocked. I changed Ryu to Cable. Haven't you read? All times are GMT. The time now is 10:43 PM. Show all 46 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.